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Friday, May 25, 2007

Set Google Apps for Your Domain as Default Mail Client in Ubuntu

Recently, I read a great post over at the How-to Geek about setting GMail as your Default Mail Client in Ubuntu. Being an avid user of both Ubuntu and GMail I wanted to set this up as well. However, since I use Google Apps for Your Domain (GAFYD), the script didn’t work for me. With a little adjustment I got it to work.

To set this up, you need to do two things:

  1. Customize a short script and save it to your file system
  2. Edit your Mail Reader settings in Preferred Applications

Follow the instructions at the How-to Geek, but change the URL from Gmail to the URL used to access GAFYD. To do this, login to your GAFYD GMail account (but don't click any link after logging in) and copy the entire URL, including the parameter at the end. Now replace a small portion of the script provided by the How-to Geek.

Replace ""

With the GAFYD URL "".

That’s it! Now continue with the instructions at the How-to Geek.


Paul Westbrook said...

Thank you for posting this. This worked perfectly for me

Anonymous said...

A similar tip seems to work well for the script here:

An example format string:
formatString=" y=%s&cc=%s&bcc=%s"

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